Medical Radioisotopes and Labeling Compounds
摘要: 近年来,医用放射性同位素的种类及数量有了较大的发展,新型的标记化合物为人体脏器组织的诊断和功能动态的研究,提供了安全、快速、准确的方法.放射性治疗肿瘤药物,能将射线集中照射病变组织,这种治疗是非创伤性的.十多年来,我室从事医用放射性同位素及其标记化合物的研究与生产有了一定的发展.建立了研究与生产医用放射性同位素及其标记化合物的体系,产品广泛用于临床诊断、治疗及基础研究各个领域. The types and quantities of radioisotopes used in medicine have been developedgreatly in these years. The new labeling compounds supplied a safe, fast and accuratemethod for human tissue diagnostic and function dynamic studies. The tumor therapeutic radiopharmaceutical can concentrate its ray to irradiate the diseased tissue, and the probabilityof leukema and else disease caused by irradiating is much lower. This method is nontraumatic so that the tumor therapy by radiopharmaceutical is ....Abstract: The types and quantities of radioisotopes used in medicine have been developedgreatly in these years. The new labeling compounds supplied a safe, fast and accuratemethod for human tissue diagnostic and function dynamic studies. The tumor therapeutic radiopharmaceutical can concentrate its ray to irradiate the diseased tissue, and the probabilityof leukema and else disease caused by irradiating is much lower. This method is nontraumatic so that the tumor therapy by radiopharmaceutical is ....