Investigation on Inertial Confinement Fusion(ICF) Target
摘要: 本文简要叙述了近年来中物院核物理与化学研究所开展激光惯性约束聚变靶技术研究的进展情况,围绕热核聚变靶丸的研制,介绍了空心玻璃微球(HGM)、塑料微球(HPM)的制备结果和充氘氚燃料气体的技术.在参数测量方面重点介绍了燃料气体的测量和荧光分析法的结果,鉴于低温冷冻靶是制靶技术的重要课题,文中也简叙了该技术的国内外动态. The recent developmet of ICF target in our institute is presented in this paper.With regard to the fabrication of thermal nuclear fusion target, the paper reveals the resultsof the fabrication of hollow glass microsphere (HGM), hollow plastic microsphere and deuterium-tritium gas-filling technique. The results of characterization and fluorencence analysisof fuel gas are also given out. In addition, due to its importance, the paper describes brieflythe internal and external developments of cryogenis target.Abstract: The recent developmet of ICF target in our institute is presented in this paper.With regard to the fabrication of thermal nuclear fusion target, the paper reveals the resultsof the fabrication of hollow glass microsphere (HGM), hollow plastic microsphere and deuterium-tritium gas-filling technique. The results of characterization and fluorencence analysisof fuel gas are also given out. In addition, due to its importance, the paper describes brieflythe internal and external developments of cryogenis target.