R & D of Radiopharmaceuticals at SINR
摘要: 放射性药物是医学现代化的标志之一,也是一个高科技产业.本文就放射性药物的国内外研究现状及市场趋势作了详细的论述.中科院和国家医学管理局联合建立的上海放射性药物联合研究和开发中心对于基于加速器的单光子显象(SPECT)和正电子显象(PET)药物的研究、开发和产业化将起重大作用. Radiopharmaceuticals is an index of the modern medicine and a high-tech industry. The current status and market trend of the radiopharmaceuticals are discussed in detail. The establishment of the Shanghai Joint R/D Center of Radiopharmaceuticals, under the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the State Administration of Pharmaceuticals of China,will greatly promote the research, development and industrilization of the cyclotron-based radiopharmaceuticals for the SPECT and PET applications.Abstract: Radiopharmaceuticals is an index of the modern medicine and a high-tech industry. The current status and market trend of the radiopharmaceuticals are discussed in detail. The establishment of the Shanghai Joint R/D Center of Radiopharmaceuticals, under the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the State Administration of Pharmaceuticals of China,will greatly promote the research, development and industrilization of the cyclotron-based radiopharmaceuticals for the SPECT and PET applications.