Quantum Manifestation of Some Chaotic Behavior in Nuclear Model
摘要: 本文叙述了高斯正交系综基础和量子混沌系统渐近行为方面的研究进展.指出:通过脱耦变换,采用等效哈密顿量的分析是关键的、足以说明统计描述得以成立的基本方法.继而用统计分析可以定量地得出混沌系统一些渐近行为的性质. The foundamental aspects of Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE) level statistics and the asymptotic behavior of time dependent quantum chaotic system are described. It is shown that performing a decoupled transformation and taking an effective hamiltonian are the key points to elucidate the foundation of statistic description. The asymptotic behavior of quantum chaotic system can be described quantitively by the statistical well.Abstract: The foundamental aspects of Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE) level statistics and the asymptotic behavior of time dependent quantum chaotic system are described. It is shown that performing a decoupled transformation and taking an effective hamiltonian are the key points to elucidate the foundation of statistic description. The asymptotic behavior of quantum chaotic system can be described quantitively by the statistical well.