Some Problems in Recent Progress of Fullerene Studies
摘要: 本文论述了Fullerene研究最新进展中的几个问题.它们是:Fullerene的质量分布,Fullerene的异构与手征性异构体,Fullerene石墨微碳管,Fullerene生成形态学与动力学,…….在Fullerene研究中,这些都是令人感兴趣的问题. some problems in recent progress of Fullerene studies are discussed in this paper. They are: the mass distributions of Fullerenes, the isomers and chiral allotropes ofFullerenes, the microtubules of graphitic carbon,the growth morphology and the dynamics ofFullerenes, and so on. These problems are some very interesting in the Fullerenes studies.Abstract: some problems in recent progress of Fullerene studies are discussed in this paper. They are: the mass distributions of Fullerenes, the isomers and chiral allotropes ofFullerenes, the microtubules of graphitic carbon,the growth morphology and the dynamics ofFullerenes, and so on. These problems are some very interesting in the Fullerenes studies.