Puzzles in Studies of Quantum Chaos
摘要: 本文对量子混沌研究中的几个疑难问题进行了讨论,着眼于量子体系状态的整体性质,从量子正则变换不变性质的破坏来阐明量子混沌运动的发生,指出量子混沌与经典混沌间存在着明确的对应. Puzzles in studies of quantum chaos are discussed. From the view of global properties of quantum states, it is clarified that quantum chaos originates from the break-down of invariant properties of quantum canonical transformations. There edest precise correspondences between quantum and claedcal chads.Abstract: Puzzles in studies of quantum chaos are discussed. From the view of global properties of quantum states, it is clarified that quantum chaos originates from the break-down of invariant properties of quantum canonical transformations. There edest precise correspondences between quantum and claedcal chads.