Two-proton Interferometry and Time-space Evolution in Heavy Ion Reactions
摘要: 本文讨论了46.7MeV/u~(12)C+~(58)Ni、~(115)Th、~(197)Au实验中双质子干涉的研究结果,研究了零寿命Koonin模型中核力、库仑力及费米统计对关联函数的影响,并从实验中提取了发射源的半径参数r_0,实验发现,r_0随着靶核质量的增加而增加,同时,还研究了发射源的大小与两个关联粒子的能量和E_1+E_2的关系,得出的r_0值随E_1+E_2的增加而减少,反映了高能质子主要来源于反应早期。 The results of the two-proton interferometry from experiment of 46.7 MeV/u ~(12)C+~(58)Ni, ~(115)In, ~(197)Au are discussed in this paper. Influences of nuclear force, coloumb force and fermistatistics on correlation function are investigated. It was found from experiment that the emissionsource radius increase with increasing of the target nuclei size, and decrease with increasing of the sumenergy of the two correlated protons, reflecting the high energy protons come from early stage of thereaction.Abstract: The results of the two-proton interferometry from experiment of 46.7 MeV/u ~(12)C+~(58)Ni, ~(115)In, ~(197)Au are discussed in this paper. Influences of nuclear force, coloumb force and fermistatistics on correlation function are investigated. It was found from experiment that the emissionsource radius increase with increasing of the target nuclei size, and decrease with increasing of the sumenergy of the two correlated protons, reflecting the high energy protons come from early stage of thereaction.