Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider(RHIC)at Brookhaven
摘要: 介绍正在布鲁克海文建造的相对论重离子对撞机(RHIC)的概况,可达到的指标,对可能建造的探测器的要求和建议.在RHIC 期待寻找和探索的夸克胶子等离子体的实验该如何进行?理论家的预言和建议是什么. The RHIC being bulit at Brookhaven is introduced,the facility and index of which aredescribed.The proposed detectors designed by several collaboration groups vary in their scope andphysics focus.How to research QGP at RHIC?What is the plasma like?what is the QCD prediction?How to make the experiments?Abstract: The RHIC being bulit at Brookhaven is introduced,the facility and index of which aredescribed.The proposed detectors designed by several collaboration groups vary in their scope andphysics focus.How to research QGP at RHIC?What is the plasma like?what is the QCD prediction?How to make the experiments?