

Effects of Three-Baryon Forces Constrained by Causality Condition on the Equation of State with Kaon Condensation

  • 摘要: 考虑超子混合物质中存在K介子凝聚相的可能性,此类高密度多奇异系统可能存在于中子星内部。具体来说,基于K介子-重子和K介子-K介子相互作用的手征对称性,结合了二体重子-重子(B-B)相互作用的相对论平均场理论,本工作发展了相互作用模型,其中唯象引入了多重子排斥力(MBR)和三核子引力(TNA)的洛伦兹不变形式,而相关的参数由对称核物质的饱和性质和声速小于光速的因果率进行约束。结果表明,在超子混合物质中具有K介子凝聚的状态方程足够硬,其预言的中子星质量与最近对大质量中子星的观测结果一致。


    Abstract: Possibility of kaon-condensed phase in hyperon-mixed matter is considered as high-density multi-strangeness system, which may be realized in neutron stars. The interaction model is based on chiral symmetry for kaon-baryon and kaon-kaon interactions, being combined with the relativistic mean-field theory for two-body baryon-baryon (B-B) interaction. In addition, the Lorentz invariant forms of many-baryon repulsive force (MBR) and three-nucleon attractive force (TNA) are phenomenologically introduced, where unknown parameters are fixed to satisfy the saturation properties of symmetric nuclear matter and the causality condition that the sound velocity should be less than the speed of light. It is shown that the equation of state with kaon condensation in hyperon-mixed matter is stiff enough to be consistent with recent observations of massive neutron stars.


