

High Precision Computation of the Lamb Shift of the Muonic Hydrogen Atom Within the Relativistic Framework

  • 摘要: 对缪氢原子兰姆位移的测量是测量质子电荷半径的最有效手段之一,而对于缪氢原子兰姆位移的理论计算则是从兰姆位移的实验结果中抽取出质子电荷半径的必要途径。计算了缪氢原子的兰姆位移,系统的考虑了相对论效应对缪氢原子兰姆位移的影响。其中,真空极化效应导致的兰姆位移由Uehling等效势能来表征,而相对论效应通过Breit-Pauhli哈密顿量进行描述;本文采用精确的少体计算方法-高斯展开法,计算了缪氢原子的2S_ 1/2^与2P_1/2^的能级,发现考虑了相对论修正后的兰姆位移比不考虑相对论修正的兰姆位移大0.09 meV,且更接近实验结果。


    Abstract: The measurement of the muonic hydrogen atom Lamb shift is one of the most fundamental ways to obtain the proton charge radius experimentally. The theoretical calculation of the muonic hydrogen atom Lamb shift is indispensable to extract the proton charge radius from the Lamb shift. In this work, we calculate the muonic hydrogen atom Lamb shift within the relativistic framework. The relativistic effect is described with the Breit-Pauli hamiltonian. The vacuum polarization effect is realized with the effective Uehling potential. With a high precision few-body method, Gaussian expansion method, we calculate the 2S_ 1/2^ and 2P_1/2^ levels of the muonic hydrogen atom. We find that the muonic hydrogen atom Lamb shift with considering the relativistic effect is about 0.09 meV larger than the one without considering the relativistic effect and the former one is closer to the experimental value.


