Experimental Studies of Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Physics and Its Applications at HIRFL
摘要: 本文总结了三年来在兰州重离子研究装置(HIRFL)上进行的科研工作和取得的成果.简单介绍了HIRFL 的工作状态、次级束流线与ECR 离子源的发展、中能重离子引起的反应研究、热核与远离β稳定线核素的合成与研究和重离子束的应用等. A The scientific activities and achievements made at the Heavy Ion Research Facil- ity Lanzhou (HIRFL) during the past three years are summarized.In addition to the brief in- troduction of the operation status of HIRFL and the development of the secondary beam line and an ECR ion source,the paper describes the experimental studies of intermediate ener- gy heavy ion-induced reactions,the investigation of hot nuclei,the synthesis and study of nuclei far from ...Abstract: A The scientific activities and achievements made at the Heavy Ion Research Facil- ity Lanzhou (HIRFL) during the past three years are summarized.In addition to the brief in- troduction of the operation status of HIRFL and the development of the secondary beam line and an ECR ion source,the paper describes the experimental studies of intermediate ener- gy heavy ion-induced reactions,the investigation of hot nuclei,the synthesis and study of nuclei far from ...